Mushroom Grow Kits: Everything You Need to Know

Growing mushrooms as a hobby is a fun, fascinating, and highly rewarding process. It also doesnā€™t have to be difficult. The challenge involved depends largely on what type of mushrooms youā€™re growing as well as the way that you plan to approach growing them. Using a mushroom grow kit simplifies a lot of the challenges …

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Ego Death – You Are Nothing, You Are Everything

If you have spent any time perusing psychedelic message boards or online communities, then you have undoubtedly come across the widespread fascination with ego death. The concept of ego death is nothing new, and itā€™s certainly not an experience confined to psychedelic circles, but itā€™s definitely the psychedelic community that has brought the experience into …

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The Subconscious & Unconscious Mind: Diving Into the Unknown

Hidden beneath the conscious mind, beneath our rational, decision-making intellect and wit, there exists a vast ocean of intelligent awareness, the driving force that guides us through our lives without ever so much as showing itself to us.  Forever looming just beyond the reach of our conscious minds, the unconscious holds the keys to our …

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Vaping Isn’t as Dangerous as You Thought; Here’s Why

Vaping has become incredibly popular in recent years. Initially, it was hailed as a safe alternative to smoking. This was followed up by a number of media authorities countering, saying that vaping was, in fact, quite dangerous. The truth lies somewhere in the middle, and if youā€™ve been following the media hype, the reality is …

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How to Quit Smoking – Tips, Tricks & Timeline

How to Quit Smoking ? Quitting smoking is no walk in the park. Many people say that it’s the hardest thing and they’ve ever done. It’s so easy to start smoking, but quitting is altogether different. Fortunately, there are lots of things that you can do to make your experience easier when you’re kicking the …

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The World of Microdosing

Microdosing mushrooms. Microdosing LSD. Nowadays, itā€™s not uncommon to hear people talk about microdosing just about anything. But why? Whatā€™s the point of microdosing? Does it even do anything? Is it worth your time? If youā€™re unfamiliar with microdosing, then this article is for you. We are going to describe for you the wonderful world …

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The History of Bicycle Day

Bicycle Day is quite possibly the most significant annual celebration for psychedelic enthusiasts (affectionately known as psychonauts), and certainly for advocates of LSD. On April 19th, Bicycle Day commemorates the day on which Albert Hofmann, the chemist who discovered LSD, intentionally consumed the substance for his first time. He experienced the peak effects during a …

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Birth and Rebirth; What is LSD Made From?

LSD is a synthetic psychedelic, quite possibly the most popular one that has ever been designed. LSD singlehandedly led to the counterculture revolution of the 1960s and, despite being illegal, has remained influential throughout the world ever since. LSD in its original form is derived from a fungus called ergot. Ergot is a rare fungus …

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Everything You Need to Know About Nootropics

Nootropics, or smart drugs, have become incredibly popular in recent years, although they have technically been around forever. Nootropics are substances, both natural and synthetic, that help to enhance human performance. Most commonly they are used to improve cognitive function: memory, verbal fluency, mental clarity, and so on. However, the nootropics definition nowadays may include …

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Tips to Improve Your Lab Life

As a chemical researcher, youā€™re invested in some pretty exciting stuff. Research can be invigorating and exciting, but it can also be stressful and unsettling. If youā€™re not taking care of yourself and your research area then you might run the risk of experiencing some problems. Learning the ins and outs of lab safety, preserving …

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