How to Buy Research Chemicals Online

Research chemicals (RCs) are drugs that have not been extensively studied. They are known as research drugs because there is a need to research and document their effects before they can be properly distributed. Unfortunately, they are generally attacked by legal and drug enforcement agencies and criminalized before enough research can be done to verify their usefulness as medicines. 

Research chemicals of this type are generally available online from vendors who specifically stock chemicals that are high in demand. This allows for the distribution of RCs to areas where they are legal so that chemists and other psychedelic researchers can study their properties.

Researchers can purchase these chemicals and bring them to their own laboratory for study. With the proper equipment, researchers can make any number of assessments, evaluations, observations, and experiences working with the substances. These experiences are incredibly valuable and help to identify and label the chemical for those who will be using it in the future

Why Bother With Research Chemicals?

Research chemicals are, by and large, the results of drug criminalization. 

When law enforcement agencies criminalize a certain drug, it’s not like this helps people overcome their desire for such a substance. If anything, making a drug illegal decreases supply but increases the demand. Now, those who use these substances either medically or recreationally are forced to make a choice. They must eitherā€¦

  • Immediately learn to live without their medicine or vice (depending on how itā€™s used), which can be difficult and challenging, especially if withdrawal symptoms are involved.
  • Risk the possibility of harsh legal repercussions for continuing to use their preferred substance.
  • Search for a substance with similar effects that does not come along with legal risks.

The last option is clearly the most preferred.

Knowing this, many companies set out to produce chemicals that are nearly identical to those that are now illegal. This is generally done by taking the core structure of one of the illegal drugs and tweaking or modifying a certain part of the molecule to create a new compound.

These chemicals often share a very similar molecular structure. However, their safety profile and effects are not necessarily identical. This is why itā€™s important to have researchers, as well as respect for those who are willing to dive into the foray of psychedelic research even before the emergence of health and safety data. Researchers are dedicated to determining the safety profile of these drugs and detailing that information online so that others have access to it. 

Research chemistry has been going on for about as long as chemistry itself. Alchemists and scientists throughout the ages have always taken pride in testing out their creations. One would hope that they preferred to test them out on themselves, although history shows that some of the more heartless scientists preferred to experiment on others without their consent. 

In fact, the largest research chemical study in human history is being done right now. The need for a vaccine during the global pandemic led to a number of unprecedented changes made in legislation, especially in the United States. Although many donā€™t realize it, clinical data is available on the ongoing, multinational, massive clinical trials on these vaccines, most of which contain untested (and, unfortunately, non-psychedelic) drugs which would technically be classified as research chemicals.

The majority of psychedelic researchers, however, arenā€™t looking to do clinical studies. They simply wish to report on the substance and its interactions. Because of the subjective nature of psychedelics, it can be hard to study them clinically. Many researchers acknowledge this and instead aim to produce a broad body of subjective knowledge regarding psychedelics. 

The Father of Psychedelics & Research Chemicals

The most prolific research chemist that ever graced the world is known as Alexander ā€œSashaā€ Sheldon. He lived what many would consider to be the ultimate psychedelic dream: he was legally sanctioned by the American Drug Enforcement Agency to produce and experiment with psychoactive drugs.

He used this license, just like any sane scientist would do, to synthesize hundreds of psychedelic drugs. Most of these drugs were tryptamines and phenethylamines, two broad classes of substances that can cause a wide variety of different effects. Tryptamines are almost always psychedelic and generally affect the brain through their interaction with the 5HT2a serotonin receptor. Many phenethylamines are psychedelic but there are also many stimulating phenethylamines with minimal psychedelic effects.

Shulgin and his wife would evaluate the effects and interactions of these substances. In what is possibly the most important psychedelic book published to date, Shulgin included the instructions for the synthesis of each of these compounds as well as a detailed experience report regarding the effects and how each substance acted. 

Where to Buy Research Chemicals Online

Buying research chemicals online is pretty simple. For the most part, buying research chemicals is just like buying anything else online. First, find yourself a trustworthy vendor. Choose the products that you would like to purchase, set up your payment method, and purchase them! 

Granted, there are generally a few nuances that you’ll have to deal with when buying research chemicals, especially certain ones that are more or less controlled. It depends on what sort of products the website in question is selling. There are generally two types of research chemical websites.

  • Websites that sell research chemicals that are generally harmless. Sites like Realchems focus on selling chemicals that donā€™t have a serious track record of being dangerous. Some of these research chemical websites don’t even require their customers to register an account. Here, you can buy research chemicals that arenā€™t currently targeted by governments or official agencies.
  • Websites that sell research chemicals that may be dangerous or targeted. Other websites sell chemicals that are a bit trickier to work with. To purchase from these websites, you usually have to have your account approved by the administrators. This often includes one or more methods of confirmation, such as:
    • Providing them with a picture of your identification which they can validate to confirm who you are. 
    • A short write-up on the type of research that you plan to perform and the equipment that you use to do it with. 
    • Any previous experience that you have as a research chemist. 
  • These verification procedures are put into place to ensure that these chemicals don’t end up in the hands of reckless individuals who might come to harm. Basically, they are a test of common sense that allows you the chance to prove you’re a reasonably intelligent human being prior to purchasing research chemicals. 

Finding the Right Research Chemical Website

When finding a research chemical website, it’s important that you get one that is reliable. Given the unregulated nature of research chemicals, this is oftentimes easier said than done. There are a few ways to discern a quality website from one that might try to rip you off.

Validation and/or Registration

One thing to consider is whether or not the website requires validation. Validation is generally considered an annoyance and an extra hassle. However, sites that require validation are almost always legit. 

The reason that they require validation is that they themselves are highly professional companies with the proper business licenses and lab associations. They want to make sure that they can keep these licenses and therefore require that their customers validate their identity and attention. 

Up-to-Date and Accurate Information

You will also want a website that provides you with the chemical information of the products that you’re ordering. Whenever possible, take a look at any third party lab test results. These results are a confirmation of security and chemical contents. Third-party test results are just about the only way to confirm that you’re getting what you’re paying for. 

Positive Reviews

You’ll also want to take a look at any reviews that have been posted online. If there’s tons of people saying that the company sucks, then it’s probably not in your best interest to buy from them. 

On the other hand, you also have to be cautious about websites that only have positive feedback. Some websites hire people to fill up all their feedback pages with glaringly positive reviews to make them look good. Learning how to separate fake reviews from real reviews takes a bit of practice. 

The best bet is to look for a company that’s reviews are generally favorable and yet who aren’t afraid to allow customers to post their bad experiences when they do have them. No company’s going to have a perfect track record.

How to Buy Research Chemicals 

On most websites, buying research chemicals is as simple as buying any other product. Simply peruse the site for the chemicals that you’re interested in, add them to your shopping cart, verify a payment method, and then proceed to make your purchase.

The products will then be sent to the address you have provided. Depending on where you live, they should arrive within a week to 3 weeks.

One thing that you’re going to want to do is to make sure that you’re getting chemicals that actually fulfill the needs that you have. This will involve doing a bit of careful research. 

Sites like Bluelight and Erowid Are two of the best resources for anybody interested in purchasing research chemicals. Here, you will find many reports posted by other research chemists such as yourself. You can compile information quickly about different psychedelics and learn about the way that these chemicals interact with other chemicals, enzymes, and neurotransmitters.

How to Buy Research Chemicals With Bitcoin 

You may be interested in using Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency to buy your research chemicals. Cryptocurrency allows you to transact directly with the vendor of the research chemicals without having to go through a third party, like a bank. 

Cryptocurrency also offers additional security. Although the common myth that cryptocurrency is untraceable isn’t true, it’s certainly a lot harder to trace than a regular bank transaction. Those interested in maintaining their privacy would appreciate what cryptocurrency has to offer. Not all research chemical websites accept cryptocurrency, though. 

Some websites allow you to make purchases with cryptocurrencies that are even more secure than Bitcoin. Cryptocurrencies such as Monero are completely encrypted and untraceable, making them extremely desirable for people who are making transactions that they do not want to be traced at all.

Are Research Chemicals Safe? 

g whether or not research chemicals are safe is like asking if an untested vehicle is safe. The vehicle might look safe, it might have all the safety features and be built on the same frame and model as previous vehicles that are determined to be safe. But at the end of the day, you can’t be sure until you test it. 

The same is true of research chemicals. That’s why they’re called research chemicals. Like the vehicle, the chemical structure of a research chemical might look safe. Most research chemicals share a chemical base with some other, similar substance that has been made illegal. For the most part, It’s relatively safe to assume that substances with such similar molecular structures will share similar effects – meaning that theyā€™re probably safe.

However, this certainly isn’t always the case. There have been anomalies in which research chemicals have proven exceptionally dangerous and caused damage. These research chemicals are usually pulled from the market quite quickly. 

One other thing to consider is the lack of long-term safety data. Because of the simple fact that these drugs have not been around for very long, there is simply no long-term data available regarding their safety. This means that it’s anybody’s guess what sort of risks might be taken if you use these drugs on a regular basis for an extended period.

Consider smoking tobacco. Until long-term safety data emerged some forty or fifty years after people had begun chain-smoking cigarettes and pipe tobacco in the United States, smoking was not considered a health risk. Many even believed that it was healthy for them! When the long-term data emerged, many people were resistant to it, believing that it must be wrong.

So ultimately, nobody will know whether or not a research chemical is safe until people have been using it regularly for a few decades. Until then, listen to your body. If you develop any unwanted symptoms or side effects because of research chemical studying, then you should have stopped your research immediately.

Most research chemical websites that you can access and buy chemicals from without having to validate your identity cell chemicals that are relatively safe. You can rest assured that these chemicals have not caused injuries or fatalities in customers.

Much like anything, moderation is important when it comes to researching chemicals. In fact, itā€™s much more important when doing this type of work compared to working with chemicals that are already accepted as recreational, like LSD or MDMA. 

With established recreational drugs, people know how much and how long a chemical can be used before it starts to produce negative effects. This is not so with research chemicals. Here are some tips on staying safe. 

  • Research sessions must be spaced apart as much as possible. For ultimate safety, it would be ideal not to engage in active research more than once per month with any given chemical. 
  • Mixing chemicals during your research can also produce unexpected results. Itā€™s best to become familiar with one chemical before moving on to the next or mixing chemicals together.
  • Make sure that you use the necessary safety equipment when doing research. It’s vitally important that you use a milligram scale so that you can measure out exact doses. 
  • Set and setting is also incredibly important. Make sure that you engage in your research when you are in a good headspace and have a significant amount of free time to dedicate to your study. 
  • Always make sure that you have somebody close by who can take care of you if your research goes in an unexpected direction.


The research chemical market is an exciting frontier. It’s kind of like the wild west of psychedelics and chemistry. Here, you will be able to experiment with chemicals that have not yet made it to the public domain. There are many exciting aspects to this, but also a number of dangers and risks. You must remember to play it safe at all times.

Here at Realchems, we strive to provide customers with safe, tested, and reliable chemicals. If you really want to make the most of your research, then you should consider trying out some of our chemicals and purchasing some lab safety gear to make sure that you are well equipped to stay safe.

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